Thanks to specialist knowledge and certified colleagues, completely unburdened and expert advice.
Reflex Intelligence is the go-to partner for sustainable mediation of professionals for temporary and permanent positions at ambitious tech companies. From talented starters to seasoned experts in engineering, manufacturing & supply chain, among others. We know our talents inside out and look beyond diplomas, CVs and national borders. Our industry expertise, personal and result-oriented approach guarantee the perfect match.
The demand for qualified staff at companies in the engineering sector has grown exponentially in recent years. This scarcity will increase further in the future. With years of experience, knowledge and drive, Reflex Intelligence offers the best solution. The growth ambitions of our professionals and clients come first. We achieve this with a qualitative and proven successful approach. From a powerful network, with expert colleagues and the use of the right recruitment tools, we connect sustainably employable specialists to leading organisations. Reflex Intelligence is your reliable partner for the future.
In 2024, Robert Hölzken started Reflex Intelligence. With over 12 years of experience in job placement, he has built up a successful track record. He has worked at recruitment companies like YER and for clients like ASML, among others. With his enthusiasm and persuasiveness, he has been connecting professionals with diverse backgrounds to leading organisations for years. Without making concessions in service quality. He will go through fire and water for his clients and the development of professionals is central to him. He continues this trend with Reflex Intelligence.
Out of genuine passion for recruitment and general interest in the tech industry, Robert decided to found Reflex Intelligence. The name Reflex Intelligence stands for focus on smart and flexible solutions in recruitment.
Robert: "Our promise always includes a sustainable solution with a focused approach. We do this with determination, inspired colleagues and from a strong customer and result orientation. We always adapt quickly in a dynamic labour market and strive for meaningful collaborations."
At Reflex Intelligence, passion, knowledge and experience come together. Be assured of an expert and committed partner for the future, who values warm employment and sustainable solutions.
Thanks to specialist knowledge and certified colleagues, completely unburdened and expert advice.
Long-term relationships and warm employer relationships form lasting matches that contribute to everyone's long-term goals.
Open and transparent. By honouring agreements in all situations, Reflex Intelligence is the stable partner to come to a solution.
Constantly striving for meaningful collaborations.